Sumo Ledger
Rara Unified Design Cover
SumoLedger is an API-first ledger-engine for business applications. It can transform the business-events produced by business applications into proper accounting entries.
A ledger is a system that records accounts and flow of value(please read value and money synonymously) between them. SumoLedger runs on a ledger system that is immutable, supports multi-currency maintains transactional consistency through double-entry accounting and supports a transactional state-machine.
Logo and Variations
You can download the full logo variations here.
Logo Variations Available:
  • - Primary Brand Logo (PNG, SVG)
  • - Secondary Brand Logo (PNG, SVG)
  • - Logos with Background (JPG)
  • - Favicon
  • - Social Media Profile Picture
  • - App Icon
Use the logo appropriately.
Brand Colors
SumoLedger color palette consists of vibrant primary colors. The overall selection of the colors and usage should reflect vibrancy and friendliness.
RGB (239, 65,54)
Anti-Flash White
RGB (241, 242, 242)
RGB (65, 64, 64)
Design Tokens
Following design tokens can be used for RDS Custom Theming.
@tailwind base; @tailwind components; @tailwind utilities; *, *::after, *::before { -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; } @layer base { :root { --white: 255 255 255; --black: 0 0 0; --brand-primary1: 239 65 54; --brand-primary2: 241 242 242; --brand-primary3: 65 64 64 --surface-background: 238 242 247; --surface-layout: 255 255 255; --surface-muted: 238 242 247; --surface-disabled: 223 229 236; --surface-highlight: 247 249 254; --text-primary: 52 60 70; --text-secondary: 99 105 114; --text-disabled: 145 151 159; --text-onColor: 255 255 255; --icon-secondary: 203 208 214; --icon-disabled: 175 181 187; --icon-onColor: 255 255 255; --border-layout: 224 229 235; --border-element: 145 151 159; --border-ring: 136 127 179; --border-active: 96 52 168; --interactive-primary: 26 108 170; --interactive-background: 228 241 251; --interactive-depressed: 16 66 104; --interactive-hover: 17 90 146; --critical-primary: 238 58 101; --critical-background: 253 236 240; --critical-depressed: 137 27 53; --critical-hover: 193 42 78; --warning-primary: 255 196 83; --warning-background: 255 245 234; --info-primary: 20 62 159; --info-background: 241 245 253; --icon-primary: 109 116 125; --success-primary: 57 166 160; --success-background: 90 196 190; } }
Primary / Header Font
Cal Sans
Secondary / Body Font
SF Pro Display